South Coast Labor Council elects new president

February 21, 2001


WOLLONGONG — Peter Wilson, a local organiser for on the NSW Teacher's Federation, was elected unopposed as president of the South Coast Labor Council. Wilson replaced Mike Dwyer, who was forced to resign due to ill health.

The SCLC has a 70-year history of militant struggle against bosses, especially BHP, and governments. It is still a major political force in the Illawarra region.

The organisation split in 1999 over disagreements with the personal style and political direction of SCLC secretary Paul Matters. A group of unions formed the lllawarra Council of Trade Unions (ICTU). In 2000, Matters was forced from office and Arthur Rorris elected in his place. The ICTU affiliates then rejoined the SCLC.

Mike Dwyer remained SCLC president throughout the dispute. He is a non-sectarian union activist who put the needs of the workers and the people of the Illawarra ahead of personal or political manoeuvres.

On December 20, the SCLC invited unionists, community activists and political activists to an extraordinary general meeting where Dwyer formally resigned. Tributes were paid to his commitment to the trade union movement. He made a passionate statement about the need for unity between workers, unions and the community as the way forward for the union movement.

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