Pick your 'globalisation'

April 11, 2001

"Globalisation is about an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world; it is about international trade, investment and finance that has been growing far faster than national incomes." — James Wolfensohn, president, World Bank.

"Globalisation equals the free flow of goods, technology and, now, ideas. Like a river it does good things but it also has hazards." — Charles O. Holliday Jr, chief executive officer, DuPont Chemicals.

"I would define globalisation as the freedom for my group of companies to invest where it wants when it wants, to produce what it wants, to buy and sell where it wants, and support the fewest restrictions possible coming from labour laws and social conventions." — Percy Barnevik, president, ABB Industrial Group.

"Globalisation is a new phase of the imperialist expansion of capital, a fig leaf to hide imperialism itself." — Samin Amin, Egyptian political economist.

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