Loose cannons

April 11, 2001

Unfortunately, neither can the rest of us

"I will not walk away from my decision." — Former Australian Democrats leader Senator Meg Lees commenting on her decision to support the introduction of the GST, widely attributed as the reason for her loss to Senator Natasha Stott Despoja in the party's recent leadership contest.

Makes capitalists ecstatic

"[The US] Families and Work Institute found that 75% of today's 25- to 35-year-olds work more than 40 hours per week, compared with 55 per cent in 1977." — cited in an article entitled "Ecstatic Capitalism" in the Manhattan Institute's City Journal.

For some

"Work is not work. It's a hobby you happen to get paid for." — US "knowledge worker" (read: info-tech yuppie), quoted in Fortune magazine.

Profit enriches the soul

"It's important to us that we do things that are soulful." — Allison Behr, PR director for Sparks.com, a US conmpany selling greeting cards via the internet.

Anyone else in that category?

"[North Korea] continues to field far more conventional military force than any conceivable sense of self-defence could warrant." — US General Thomas Schwartz in testimony to the US Senate Armed Services Committee.

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