CANBERRA — Around 300 people rallied peacefully outside the Israeli embassy on April 13 in support of a free Palestine.
The intimidating presence of at least 100 police officers, was unable to prevent the impassioned chants and speeches of the protesters from breaching the walls of the Israeli and US embassies, as well as the nearby Australian Prime Minister's residence.
The protesters also planted an olive tree half-way between the Israeli and US embassies, as a reminder that the Palestinian people want peace and justice.
Diana Abdul-Rahman, from Muslim Women, condemned Israel for repeatedly participating in "peace negotiations", while undermining any peace process by continuing to kill Palestinians and destroy their infrastructure.
Katherine Kelly read an Australian Greens' statement in support of the Palestinians.
ANU academic and socialist, Rick Kuhn, spoke of his Jewish heritage. He reminded the rally the myth that "all Jews are Zionists and all Zionists are Jews", is perpetuated to imply all supporters of Palestine are anti-Semitic.
A statement from the Canberra's Anglican Archbishop, prepared with information from an Israeli Archbishop, confirmed that the Israeli army was using rubber bullets and tear gas to stifle legitimate protest within Israel.
The Australian mufti thanked the attending police for protecting and defending the security of Australia. He also condemned the Australian government's inaction, pointing out that John Howard "is the Prime Minister of Australia, not the manager of an American farm". The rally concluded with a march on the prime minister's residence.
From Green Left Weekly, April 24, 2002.
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