BRISBANE — Targeting major corporations that profit from war and misery, Brisbane's M1 Alliance rallied outside the offices of the giant US corporation Boeing on April 12. Boeing is one of the world's biggest aircraft and weapons manufacturers. The 40 M1 Alliance members at the action advertised planned Mayday protests against corporate greed, war, racism and repression.
Information distributed to passers-by revealed that "Boeing is the major supplier of military hardware to the US; the Apache attack helicopter used by the Israeli army on the Palestinian people is produced by Boeing; and Boeing has been awarded the 'Star Wars' contract. The US will spend $272 billion alone on this, which should be spent on eradicating poverty and cancelling the debt of many Third World nations."
Speakers also slammed the Israeli attack on Palestinian communities in the West Bank.
From Green Left Weekly, April 24, 2002.
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