SYDNEY — The Committees in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean (CISLAC) held a successful national conference on August 2, with more than 150 activists attending. The conference, Latin America, New Movements of Resistance and Transformation, highlighted many of the struggles happening in Latin America today.
The conference highlights were the presentations on two of the most inspiring societies in the world today: Venezuela and Cuba.
Venezuelan ambassador Linoel Vivas joined CISLAC activist Jorge Jorquera in starting discussion on that country's unfolding Bolivarian Revolution, led by President Hugo Chavez. Viva defended the popular government against the common lie that it is autocratic, while Jorquera detailed some of the historical background to the Bolivarian movement.
The conference also discussed the future of the Cuban Revolution. Karen Fletcher, who has recently returned from Cuba, and Mara Ocha from the Sydney Free the Five committee outlined the economic and political successes of the revolution, addressing specifically the criticism of Cuba for jailing paid US agents.
For more information on CISLAC, visit <> or phone Roberto on 0428 554 512.
From Green Left Weekly, August 6, 2003.
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