Thank you supporters, we have raised nearly half our target!
Peter Boyle
In just three weeks of campaigning, Green Left Weekly's supporters have raised $46,630 for the Emergency Appeal. This is a spectacular response.
Certainly, John Pilger's call for support for the appeal spurred many people to make contributions. However, we have discovered that there are many more supporters out there making spontaneous contributions to help save Green Left Weekly.
On Sydney Indymedia last week, Tom McLoughlin from Ecology Action Sydney jumped in with this post amidst a flurry of anonymous attacks on Green Left Weekly:
"Don't kid yourself the News Ltd and Fairfax (and Hannan suburban freebies) of this world do not play a hard and manipulative political game. Too bloody right they do as per the airbrush/sanitising of [Bob] Carr's broken 1994 woodchip election promise deconstructed here on imc recently and as indicated by the journalists' revolt at the Age [over the last] federal election [coverage].
"Don't underestimate the power of the democratic word. Sure it gets smothered too often so it's hard to hear but it's what secret power fears most, with good reason. GLW can make that spark and it could literally save your life in Howardia.
"Nothing like an attack to know the indy media are printing something someone doesn't want out there. This is one working definition of 'journalism' actually. Bravo, more diversity I say.
"With media contraction very likely GLW will likely play a much bigger and democratic role, not self-serving but public spirited.
"GLW will break stories others won't want to touch. That's important. Critically important. Indy media needs solidarity amongst its diversity. I see their sellers out on the street as I do my rounds often for another niche player City Hub/City News and I admire their participation. I always wish them good luck.
"I always email them my leads.
"Good luck with your fundraising."
Thanks Tom. We certainly cannot take media diversity for granted: this week supporters of Green Left Weekly and City Hub/City News attended a Sydney City Council meeting to protest against News Limited's attempt to buy the right to distribute newspapers on city streets and footpaths (see article on page 2).
There is no space to make a full listing of donations this week (we will catch up next week), but two big contributions should be mentioned:
* $5000 from "Jammo", a waterside worker in Fremantle, and a long-time trade union militant and socialist. This is the second big donation to the Emergency Appeal from a Maritime Union of Australia militant. The other was $1000 from Geoff W, a wharfie in Melbourne.
* $4000+ came from a successful fundraising dinner organised by Melbourne supporters. Thanks in particular to the militant posties, and the militant unionists from the AMWU, ETU and other unions who attended and donated. Events like these, organised all-year round in all major cities, contribute a third of the funds needed to produce Green Left Weekly.
From Green Left Weekly, August 10, 2005.
Visit the Green Left Weekly home page.