This week in history

February 2, 2005

February 2

1912: In Brisbane, 15,000 demonstrators are confronted by armed police on Black Baton Friday.

1943: The Red Army forces Germany to surrender after the siege of Stalingrad.

February 3

1912: 32,000 textile workers strike in Lawrence, US.

1974: 10 prisoners are shot during riots at Bathurst jail.

February 4

1869: Bill Haywood, IWW founder is born.

1998: Maritime Union of Australia members launch a strike at Webb Dock, Melbourne, against moves by Patrick Corporation to train scabs.

February 5

2003: Police apprehend six escapees from the Woomera immigration detention centre.

February 6

1919: A shipyard strike in Seattle of 32,000 workers sparks a general strike.

1971: Aborigines occupy sites in Sherbrok forest demanding land rights.

February 7

1985: A state of emergency is declared during the SEQEB dispute in Queensland.

February 8

1879: The Kelly gang take over Jerilderie, NSW.

From Green Left Weekly, February 2, 2005.
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