On the box

February 2, 2005

Message Stick: Bob Maza — Profiles Bob Maza — an actor, writer, director, activist and mentor — who campaigned tirelessly for Aboriginal rights and reconciliation and for a better understanding between black and white Australians. ABC, Friday, February 4, 6pm.

Blaktrax: Shakaya — Five-part music series celebrates the work of Indigenous Australian musicians, challenging the stereotype that all Indigenous music is played on the didgeridoo. SBS, Saturday, February 5, 5.30pm.

The Killing Terraces — Examines the cause of the Maoist insurgency in Nepal, spending much time with participants and their families. SBS, Tuesday, February 8, 12.55am.

Making a Mark — Profiles Linda Burney, the first Indigenous member of the NSW parliament. ABC, Tuesday, February 8, 3am.

On God's Right — Examines the rise of the religious right in the US, and its plans for political expansion. SBS, Tuesday, February 8, 8.30pm.

Most of the News That's Fit to Print — Takes a rare look behind the scenes of Shargh, the leading reformist newspaper in Iran. SBS, Wednesday, February 9, 8.30pm.

The Russian Newspaper Murders — Russia ranks only second to Colombia in the killing of journalists. SBS, Thursday, February 10, 1pm.

From Green Left Weekly, February 2, 2005.
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