NEW ZEALAND: KFC workers strike against youth wages

November 17, 1993

On December 2, KFC workers in Balmoral went on strike in opposition to lower wage rates for young workers. The strike was organised by the Unite union, and more than 150 strikers and supporters protested at the store.

Representatives from other KFC stores and from the Green party, the Maori party and Workers Charter supported the action, along with the Post Post Primary Teachers Association, which represents secondary school teachers.

Fifteen-year-old Sam Van Der Kolk, one of the striking workers from Balmoral KFC, is paid NZ$7.13 an hour. "Because the pay is so low, I have to work long shifts", he said. "I have worked until 4am before, and then I have school the next day. One of the managers gets $20 a week to make sure staff get home after their shifts. If that person isn't working, I have to walk."

The strike was part of the SuperSizeMyPay.Com campaign. According to coordinator Simon Oosterman, "The KFC Balmoral strike, called by a teenage-only strike committee, highlights the need to abolish unfair and discriminatory youth rates, as well as raising awareness of the disgraceful treatment of workers by these multinational brands. It's simple — they take advantage of their workers."

For more information about the campaign visit <>.

From Green Left Weekly, December 7, 2005.
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