For more international union actions against Israel, see International outrage against Israel, more unions back boycott.
Solidarity with the Palestinian people - three-day strike for Israel commercial vessels
World Federation of Trade Unions
Athens, June 8th 2010
E-mails : international@wftucentral.org
Dear colleagues, trade unionists and workers,
The Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions has today decided to call a strike for three days at all ports of the world against Israel commercial vessels to or from Israel.
We call on all naval workers, dock workers and all workers and all unions in the ports to refuse to load or unload ships coming or heading for Israel.
The TUI Transport of the WFTU is at the forefront of this strike.
This action is a practical demonstration of the militant solidarity with the Palestinian people. This is a proof of militant solidarity against the blockade of the Gaza Strip.
In this way we express our demand for an independent and democratic Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Furthermore, we demand the immediate lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip.
We condemn the killings of nine Turkish activists and once again we express our sincere condolences to their families.
The world working class watches with dismay the tactics of the UN and the hypocrisy of the European Union. At the same time, we are aware of the inter-capitalist competition and the dangers it creates for the peace in the region of Southeast Mediterranean.
Moreover, it is clear that the Israeli government could not carry out these crimes with impunity without the support and encourage of the U.S. and its allies.
Colleagues, trade union leaders at the ports of the world,
No one must remain silent! No one must remain neutral!
We must act now because we are all Palestinians!
You decide the dates in the month of June for the three days of strike-boycott against the Israel policy. You choose the best way to react, the best way of showing solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Palestinian People. Let´s all act now.
- Stop the blockade of Gaza now
- free, independent and democratic Palestinian Sate
Messages of solidarity: General Union of Palestinian Workers e-mail: mohammed_yahya2007@yahoo.com
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs : feedback@mfa.gov.il
TUI Transport e-mail: info@tui-transport.org
WFTU e-mail: info@wftucentral.org
European Union e-mail: COMM-SPP-HRVP-ASHTON@ec.europa.eu
UN e-mail: nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org