Australia must support Afghanistan now, protesters say

August 21, 2021
August 21 rally outside Parliament House. Photo: Susan Austin

At least 1000 people joined a protest on Parliament House lawns on August 21 calling for freedom for Afghanistan, women’s rights, refugee rights and much more support the Afghani community here.

The event was organised by Hazara Community Tasmania.

Speakers called on the federal government to refuse to recognise the Taliban as a legitimate government.

They also called for a substantial rise in the humanitarian intake of refugees, especially those facing persecution. They also called for permanent protection of asylum seekers temporary visas here from the persecuted minorities there and to bring their family members here.

[Green Left and Socialist Alliance are hosting a public forum A left perspective on the West's defeat in Afghanistan on August 28 at 2pm with speakers from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Australia. Zoom link:]

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