‘Wall of gay’ defends drag story time

June 19, 2023
LGBTIQ supporters outside the City of Bayswater. Photo: Alex Salmon

Maylands Library, supported by the City of Bayswater Council, hosted a drag story hour on June 17. A handful of bigots attended, with their hateful messages against the queer community, but a much bigger support crowd gathered to form a “wall of gay”.

Although the anti-drag story time organiser said they were against drag story hour, not the queer community, their followers disagreed holding signs describing queers as paedophiles, attacking trans people and pushing anti-queer biblical quotes.

Rainbow Rebellion outnumbered the bigots 10 to 1, and held up a banner to welcome children to the drag story hour. Activists gave passionate speeches on the need for solidarity between minority groups, particularly Indigenous, disabled and the workers’ movements.

Some reflected on the international right-wing attack on the LGBTIQ community, especially attacks on transgender rights in Britain and the United States.

Trans activist Nova Sobieralski, who spoke for Queer Liberation Boorloo, paid tribute to their queer friend whose funeral they had just attended. They said Khane Schirmer, who was just 25, had fought for queer rights and was brave in his struggle with abusive people and their rejection of his gender identity.

“The people we face today are dogs barking at clouds. They have been lied to about drag, about us,” Sobieralski said. “We’re here because we have skin in the game. We’ve all seen their abuse; hell, we’ve lived it.”

“It’s easy to be angry. There’s blood on their hands; it’s still wet. I am angry. The hard thing we have to do today is … to get the balance right between disruption and queer joy.”

Protesters formed a “wall of gay” holding banners and queer flags to completely block the gaggle of bigots from harassing queer protesters.

The vibe was festive, with disco music being played between chants and speakers. The rally was a real coming together of queer people and allies. Community groups supporting the event included Pride WA, the Perth Bears, Dikes on Bikes WA, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gay people and Queer Liberation Boorloo.

The City of Bayswater Council took reasonable measures to make sure the event could be held safely, without anti-queer protesters harassing children. The drag story hour time was secretly changed to be held before the rally.

This, combined with the positive vibes generated by the solidarity gathering, shows queer events can be safely held despite threats from bigots.

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