As of November 16, Israel's bombing, massacre of Palestinian people continues. Over 13,000 people have been murdered in Gaza and Zionist settler violence in the West Bank is also reaching historic, vicious levels.
Another Nakbah (catastrophe) is unfolding — a continuation of the genocide the brutal Zionist colonial state started in 1948 against the Palestinian people.
This important forum will examine the unprecedented movement for a Ceasefire Now unfolding globally. It will explore the right for Palestinian self-determination and what that means in the context of the failure of any 'two-state' imperialist-backed solution.
It will discuss deepening the solidarity movement to win justice and truth for Palestinians.
- Vivienne Porzolt, Jews Against Occupation.
- Rihab Charida, who is from Safsaf, Safad region in the Upper Galilee, Palestine. She is a digital story teller, filmmaker and producer.
- Khaled Ghannam, Palestinian activist, writer, member of Al Entilaqa Research Centre and Socialist Alliance member.
- Ahmed Abadla, Palestinian Australian activist from Gaza. He is part of Palestine Solidarity Movement Sydney (PJMS) group.
Doors open at 6pm, forum starts at 6:30pm. Entry by gold coin donation. Food and drinks available.
Join the meeting on Zoom. Like the event on Facebook.