Protest: Stop the Genocide in Palestine

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney
Protest to stop the genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine! Every Sunday in Hyde Park North


1:00pm Sunday 03 December


Hyde Park North
Gadi/Sydney NSW 2000


Protest to stop the genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine! Every Sunday until Israel's genocide of Gaza ends.

Israel has pledged that in just a few days they will resume their genocidal offensive on Gaza.

We will keep protesting to demand

  • Israel out of Gaza
  • stop the bombing
  • end the siege
  • end the occupation
  • end the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and East Jerusalem
  • Australia: cut ties with the terrorist, apartheid state of Israel!

Endorsed by

United Australian Palestinian Workers
Trade Unionists for Palestine
Jews Against the Occupation
Latin America Social Forum
Action for Public Housing
Socialist Alternative
Socialist Alliance

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