Rising Tide Blockaders in court - Newcastle

Actions, protests & rallies


8:30am Thursday 25 January


Newcastle Local Court
343 Hunter St
Newcastle NSW 2300


The remaining Rising Tide Blockaders of the Port of Newcastle are in court. Supporters are asked to be there by 8.30am. Court opens at 9.30am.

On January 11 most of the climate protesters faced court over the November 2023 Rising Tide Blockade. The Magistrate described them as “valuable contributors to society, persons who are intelligent … and making a real contribution to society.” The protesters were not convicted or fined, as the Magistrate said “they had shown good character”. Wow!!!  ABC News

Police are out of step with the community and the courts. Some older women did eight hours in lock up, and the police prosecutor apparently recommended that that time be taken into consideration in lieu of fines.

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