Student Strike: There Are No Universities Left in Gaza

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


1:00pm Wednesday 23 October


Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000


Students across WA’s campuses have been advocating for our peers in Gaza, but nothing demonstrates a stronger message than unity.

The National Union of Students and BDS Youth have called a national student strike for Wednesday, October 23rd as part of their ‘No Universities Left in Gaza’ National Week of Action to shed light on the devastating impacts of scholasticide and the complicity of Australian universities in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Join us at 1 PM on Wednesday the 23rd at Forrest Place for a rally and march to demand that our universities divest from businesses profiting from settler-colonialism, implement an academic boycott against Israeli institutions and cut ties with weapons companies.

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