If Obama were genuine…
Top scientists and economists tell us that carbon trading (ETS — emissions trading schemes) proposals are dangerous, fraudulent ponzi schemes and that genuine, non-manipulatable, equitable carbon taxes are urgently
Mr Ward and police brutality
Last year's death of Aboriginal elder Mr Ward in the back of a prison van is the tip of a larger problem, which those who say "it must never happen again" actually avoid looking at.
The problem is exposed by a
Health system in crisis
It came as a shock to me, and to some of my friends, about the way some of the hospitals refuse to admit patients for serious operations unless they pay at the time of arrival.
As recently as June 11, a friend of our
End US blockade of Cuba
Having been a recent visitor to both Miami and Cuba may I congratulate the American press on its commitment to free speech and the lively debate both pro and against lifting the embargo on Cuba.
The plea [from Bob
Fremantle Greens victory
The ALP failed to ask them selves this question. Who were these Green voters? It was the first time many people from the ALP and Liberals voted Green.
The excuse the ALP made [for the Greens victory] is that there was
New laws a slur on civil liberties
New NSW laws that allow police to move-on people who are "noticeably" drunk ("slurring their speech") and arrest those who fail to comply, will mostly target Aboriginals, teenagers, young people and people with
Another Rudd betrayal
The Rudd Labor Government's latest anti-science, pro-coal, pro-pollution Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) proposal betrays Labor voters, Australians and humanity — and comprehensively demonstrates its unfitness to
Mine workers under surveillance
BHP-Billiton Mount Arthur Coal have just recently been found to have acted unlawfully by installing GPS tracking devices into 2 fuel trucks at the Mt Arthur Coal mine near Muswellbrook in the Hunter Valley.
Questions to Smith
Once again, great coverage of the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians and their culture, especially Stu Harrison's article plus Salim Vally's article about Apartheid Israel (GLW #790).
Here is a set of what I thought would be
Questions to Smith
Once again, great coverage of the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians and their culture, especially Stu Harrison's article plus Salim Vally's article about Apartheid Israel (GLW #790).
Here is a set of what I thought would be
Taxi industry not driven by community needs
Protesting cab drivers have been told by Victorian premier John Brumby to "get over it". According to the Brumby government, Victoria needs more cabs, another 630 this year, to address the needs of
Keynesianism and neoliberalism
Graham Matthews' interview with Professor Bill Mitchell (GLW #785) presents a standard Keynesian view of the economic crisis. Essentially, it claims that the crisis is due to the bad policies of neoliberalism:
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