In a “slash and burn” rampage, multi-billionaire and Donald Trump appointee Elon Musk is spearheading job cuts and closures across United States government departments, report Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.
Bernie Sanders
Cyn Huang and Daniil Sapunkov, members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America, unpacked the United States elections with Green Left’s Isaac Nellist and Jacob Andrewartha.
Laura Wadlin is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a leading member of its Bread and Roses caucus. She spoke to Green Left’s Susan Price about the challenges in building a political alternative.
Alex Salmon reviews Bernie Sanders' new book, It’s Ok to be Angry about Capitalism.
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a marked impact on the 2020 election campaign in the United States, writes Barry Sheppard.
In the wake of democratic socialist Bernie Sanders’ ending his campaign for the United States Democratic presidential nomination, Seattle’s socialist city councillor Kshama Sawant argues that to defeat the power of corporate rule, working people must build independent class struggle.
Green Left’s Alex Bainbridge speaks to Isaac Silver, a Democratic Socialists of America member in Chicago involved in Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Green Left’s Pip Hinman spoke to anti-war activist Vince Emanuele, who is active in US Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign for presidential nomination, about how it is drawing in new activists and shaping politics.
Rapper, producer, film maker and socialist activist Boots Riley took to Twitter to outline why he will vote for the first time ever this year, and why he will be voting for democratic socialist presidential nominee Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders' campaign slogan “Not me, us” is a powerful differentiator from the rest of the Democratic establishment, for whom returning to the status quo by simply deposing Trump is enough, writes Leo Crnogorcevic.
Socialism. Today. was the theme of a lively day-long seminar about critical issues facing the movements for social and ecological change, hosted by the Socialist Alliance on August 4.
US presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders gave the following speech at George Washington University on June 12.
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