Donald Trump

Trump defeated, now we need to battle Biden

Donald Trump's defeat does not mean that Trumpism is dead. The struggles are going to have to continue, argues Alex Bainbridge.

Well-funded reactionary forces are using the COVID-19 shutdown to spread their unscientific views about how to deal with the pandemic, the World Health Organisation, the medical profession and scientists, writes Coral Wynter.

Just as horrific as the growing COVID-19 death toll and infection numbers in the United States is the spectacle of the daily tantrums of its megalomaniac President Donald Trump, writes Peter Boyle.

Reopening the US economy while the virus is still freely circulating will cost lives, writes Mike Davis.

United States President Donald Trump has made many stupid remarks in his daily campaign events on TV, writes Barry Sheppard. But suggesting that injecting or ingesting “disinfectants” could be used to combat the virus has created criticism even within his own party.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a marked impact on the 2020 election campaign in the United States, writes Barry Sheppard.

Corporations bailed out

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the United States hard in the past few weeks. Of reported cases globally so far, the US — with 5% of the world’s population — now has 12% of cases and rising, reports Barry Sheppard.

Green Left’s Pip Hinman spoke to anti-war activist Vince Emanuele, who is active in US Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign for presidential nomination, about how it is drawing in new activists and shaping politics.

Bernie Sanders' campaign slogan “Not me, us” is a powerful differentiator from the rest of the Democratic establishment, for whom returning to the status quo by simply deposing Trump is enough, writes Leo Crnogorcevic.

Former veterans, labour organisations and leftists in the United States have come out against a US war on Iran. Anti-war rallies will be taking place across the US and Canada on January 25, as part of a global day of action.

US President Donald Trump’s administration has imposed a sweeping economic embargo against Venezuela in its efforts to oust the Nicolas Maduro government.

Tens of thousands of protesters shut down Westminster in London on June 4 to show their opposition to United States President Donald Trump’s state visit.