
Students at the University of Melbourne say they are being punished because they forced the academic institution to disclose its ties to Israeli genocide. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Teachers have joined the union covering school cleaners in NSW to campaign for the Labor government to bring school cleaning back in-house. Pip Hinman reports.

About 100 people joined a rally outside the United States Consulate to protest the country’s role in generating war and devastation across the globe. Kerry Smith reports.

A rally outside NSW Labor headquarters expressed support for Western Australian Senator Fatima Payman. Peter Boyle Reports.

It was a full house at the Harold Park Hotel to celebrate the release and homecoming of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Stephen Langford reports.

public sector workers wont be silenced

Despite enormous pressure and threats of losing their jobs, public servants continue to organise to demand Labor takes a stand against Israel’s genocide in Palestine. Pip Hinman reports.

Megan Krakouer at Ecosocialism 2024

Megan Krakouer, Menang woman of the Noongar Nation, said the rate of incarceration of First Nations people is “out of control” and suicides are rising at an alarming rate. Pip Hinman reports. 

Sanction Israel now!, Naarm/Melbourne, July 7

The 39th week of continuous protests against Australian complicity in Israel's genocide against the people of Gaza came days after WA senator Fatima Payman announced her resignation from Labor. Alex Bainbridge reports.

podcast graphic

Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss some of the highlights from Ecosocialism 2024.

In a cynical attempt to quash free speech and pro-Palestinian activism by staff and students, management at the University of Sydney announced a new Campus Access Policy. Markela Panegyres reports.

This link provides a compilation of videos from the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War conference, hosted by Green Left and co-sponsored by Socialist Alliance and LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Supporters of the Powerhouse Museum are concerned that NSW Labor is not sticking to its promise to retain the arts and sciences museum. Tom Lockley reports.