
Fireproof Australia climate action

Climate activist Jay Larbalestier was resentenced after police were found to have provided false information in his arrest at a climate protest in April last year. Susan Price reports.

Palestine protest Sydney

More than 1000 people marched to the Opera House demanding an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, reports Isaac Nellist.

City of Sydney voting

The principle of “one person one vote” took a big leap forward in the City of Sydney last week with the abolition of double votes for business, writes Andrew Chuter.

Palestine webinar Barghouti Loewenstein

Palestinian human rights activist and co-founder of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement, Omar Barghouti was joined by author and journalist Antony Loewenstein for a webinar, hosted by Jews Against the Occupation and the Tzedek Collective. Jim McIlroy and Laurie MacSween report.

Coles and Woolworths worker launched their super strike in Meanjin/Brisbane on October 7, video by Alex Bainbridge.

RAFFWU members rally in Meanjin/Brisbane while the strike is underway.

Retail and Fast Food Workers Union members at hundreds of Coles and Woolworths supermarkets took part in a historic nationwide “superstrike” as they fight for better pay and working conditions, reports Isaac Nellist

Free Julian Assange banner

A cross-party delegation of Australian politicians visited the United States in September to lobby for an end to US attempts to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, reports Alex Bainbridge.

solidarity banner

Members of the Retail and Fast Food Workers Union (RAFFWU) at Coles and Woolworths are taking industrial action after negotiations over pay and conditions fell through, reports Nova Sobieralski.

Public housing under attack, US autoworkers on strike & film and TV writers win

Green Left journalist’s Isaac Nellist and Chloe DS go through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

Sue Bull, Zane Alcorn and Chloe DS were featured speakers at a September 26 forum titled “Albanese's Labor: Sacrificing principles for power?”.

Our future can't wait: 2050 is too late, September climate strike Meanjin/Brisbane

A new report from the Climate Council (CC) reaffirms the need for Australia to reduce carbon emissions by 75% by 2030 and aim for net zero by 2035, writes Alex Bainbridge.

UWU National Secretary Tim Kennedy commended the Inghams Chicken workers for standing up and winning better pay and conditions. Kerry Smith reports.