Aboriginal deaths in custody

The Maritime Union of Australia (Sydney branch) has thrown its support behind the Black deaths in custody campaign. McAleer and Paul Keating told Liv Adams and Rachel Evans that the Gurindji people's walk-off from Wave Hill in the Northern Territory remains an inspiration.

NSW Police arrested and fined several people for supporting the family of David Dungay Jr who are campaigning for justice, reports Pip Hinman.

In this song, DOBBY and BARKAA call for immediate action to bring justice to the families of the 438 Indigenous people who died in police custody since the 1991 Royal Commission into Indigenous Deaths In Custody.

Prisons activist Debbie Kilroy, First Nations activists Elizabeth Jarrett and Mervyn Eades addressed a Green Left forum discussing what it means to defund the police and abolish the prison system in Australia. 

Caroline Andersen speaks about her family’s struggle for the truth regarding her son Wayne 'Fella' Morrison's 2016 death in the custody of Corrective Services South Australia.

Up to 3000 people rallied in Sydney on July 5 for an end to Black deaths in custody, reports Zebedee Parkes.

Black Lives Matter protesters will once again take to the streets this weekend to demand an end to Black deaths in custody in Australia, reports Kerry Smith. Find details for a protest near you.

A new global focus on police brutality against people of colour has erupted. Pressure for change is mounting in Australia too, writes Paul Gregoire.

Kerry Smith reports Australian unions are showing support for the Stop Black Deaths in Custody–Black Lives Matter movement.

As Australia and the world took to the streets in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, prisoners at the Bandyup Women’s Prison saw a Yamatji woman prisoner slammed to the ground by prison guards, writes Deborah Green.

Between 10–20,000 people chanted, danced and sang in the rain at Langley Park, Perth, on June 13 in one of the biggest protests for Black rights and against deaths in custody in West Australia ever, reports Alex Salmon.

Sue Bolton argues only a sustained mass movement, led by First Nations people, will have a chance of dismantling the racist and repressive system which criminalises people on the basis of their skin colour.