
Tanya Plibersek claims Australia is on track to meet its climate targets, but research shows that when land sector emissions are removed from the modelling, the country’s emissions are increasing. Binoy Kampmark reports.

There is compelling evidence that we need to shift away from a market-based economic system to a needs-based economy with people and nature at its centre, argues Susan Price.

Forest protector and soil scientist Tim Evans stopped logging crews in Ballengarra State Forest, saying destruction of public native forests must end. Kerry Smith reports.

Silent Earth book cover

Silent Earth describes the crisis of declining insect populations, but Ben Courtice writes that it falls short on the solutions required to turn this around.

Extinction Rebellion has taken to the streets across the country to call for a transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions and a halt to biodiversity loss, reports Pip Hinman.

Within hours of the NSW Land and Environment Court decision on March 9 quashing new land clearing laws, the NSW government produced a new Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code.

The code was created to exempt land clearing from the usual development assessment processes. It was introduced after the government overhauled the state’s conservation laws in 2016, making land clearing easier for farmers.

Australia recently gained an unenviable title: perhaps the first country to lose a mammal species to climate change. The Bramble Cay Melomys, a native rodent found on one tiny sand island in the remote northern regions of the Great Barrier Reef, reportedly became extinct after rising seas destroyed its habitat.

While everyone's eyes were focused on the federal budget, the NSW government released a very controversial piece of draft legislation that will remove restrictions on land clearance and, despite their claims, threaten biodiversity.