Decolonisation and anti-colonialism

A woman asks for alms

Africa ought to be the richest continent on Earth. Its natural resources alone make this a fact, and yet it remains oppressed and prey to exploitation. William Briggs explains why.

Tens of thousands have turned out around the country for Invasion Day protests, reports Kerry Smith.

Elders from the Gweagal-Bidjigal community on the southern side of Sydney near Botany Bay have called for people to join a convergence protesting the Coalition government’s “celebrations” to mark 250 years since Australia was colonised.

The Third World countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America should form an alliance in order to “end imperialist domination,” Venezuelan vice-president Jorge Arreaza has said. Arreaza proposed a Third World alliance during a speech at the Asia-Africa Summit in Indonesia on April 25. Speaking as a special Latin American representative, Arreaza told the audience the alliance was needed to overthrow imperialism and end the unipolar system imposed on Southern nations.

Brisbane is almost in lockdown as preparations get under way for the G20 Summit over November 15 and 16. Road closures began a week before world leaders and their media lackeys were due to arrive. Manholes and utility service grates in footpaths in the CBD and around the G20 venue in South Brisbane have been sealed as a precaution against sabotage.