Disrupt Burrup Hub

Matilda Lane-Rose, from Disrupt Burrup Hub, joins the Green Left Show to discuss why we must oppose the destructive gas project.

Disrupt Burrup Hub climate campaigners defiantly pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy and will return to court to fight other charges. Riley Breen reports.

Petrina Harley

Climate activists Petrina Harley a spoke with Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen about the campaign to a recent lock-on protest to raise awareness about Woodside's Burrup Hub project. 

Green Left News podcast Ep 45, July 22, 2024

Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss the death toll in Gaza, healthcare workers taking action, the University of Melbourne's crackdown on activists and the campaign to disrupt Burrup Hub. 

As climate protesters protested outside Woodside HQ, two others had blockaded the only access road to Burrup Hub Project in Pilbara region in the early morning. Alex Salmon reports.

Paul Gregoire spoke to Disrupt Burrup Hubs’s Gerard Mazza about the ABC’s betrayal of its code, the dangerous Woodside gas project and why the group is being made out to be terrorists.

Disrupt Burrup Hub activists protest the ABC

The ABC should not help criminalise activists by handing over footage to the police, argues Isaac Nellist.

Woodside and the WA government have stepped up their attacks on peaceful climate protesters with the help of Kerry Stokes’ media emporium. Binoy Kampmark reports.


Disrupt Burrup Hub staged a silent protest in front of Woodside’s headquarters in response to the West Australian government’s crackdown on protesters engaging in direct action. Nova Sobieralski reports.

Two activists from the Disrupt Burrup Hub campaign staged a protest at the Art Galley of Western Australia against Woodside Energy’s proposed Burrup Gas hub project. Alex Salmon reports.