Green Left News Podcast Ep 45: Health workers protest for Gaza, Melbourne Uni targets student activists & disrupting the Burrup Hub project

July 22, 2024

Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss the shocking new data from The Lancet which reveals the death toll in Gaza is likely more than 186,000 people and the "Code Blue" national day of action taken by healthcare workers in response to Israel's targeted attacks on hospitals and ambulances. 

They also speak with Reham Elzeiny from Unimelb for Palestine about the University of Melbourne's attempts to intimidate student activists with threats of disciplinary measures such as expulsion and with Petrina Harley from Disrupt Burrup Hub about the urgent need to oppose the Burrup Hub gas project in Western Australia. 

Read more about the stories we discussed on this episode. 

Music by LittleArcherBeats.

Watch Ecosocialism 2024 sessions | Healthcare Workers for Palestine | Unimelb for Palestine | Disrupt Burrup Hub | NSW Labor conference protest | Protest IODS | Listen to Green Left Radio on 3CR

We acknowledge that this was produced on stolen Aboriginal land. We express solidarity with ongoing struggles for justice for First Nations people and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

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Green Left News podcast Ep 45, July 22, 2024
Green Left News podcast Ep 45, July 22, 2024

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