The Global Ecosocialist Network brought together labour and climate justice activists from Africa, Asia, the United States and Europe, in June, to discuss how to build stronger links, reports Susan Price.
Fridays for Future
Franziska Heinisch and Julia Kaiser explain how climate activists and public transport workers in Germany are coordinating their efforts to take joint strike action.
Young climate activists understand the link between war and climate destruction, and that the most vulnerable are the first, and worst, affected. Isaac Nellist urges you to get to the climate strike on March 25.
Young climate campaigners with Fridays for Future took to the streets on March 3 to stand with the people of Ukraine and call for a world that prioritises peace and freedom from fossil fuels for all, reports Jessica Corbett.
The Ukrainian arm of the climate movement Fridays for Future has called for global demonstrations to demand an end to Russia's military assault, reports Andrea Germanos.
Political leaders continue to ignore the consequences of their inaction, but history will judge them poorly and we will not accept it, argues Greta Thunberg.
Zebedee Parkes reports that communities across Australia have turned out in hundreds of locations to demand climate action and oppose the Scott Morrison government's drive for a gas-led economic recovery.
Make Rojava Green Again joined the call by Fridays For Future to participate in the Global Climate Strike on September 25, issuing the following statement.
Climate activists Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, Anuna de Wever and Adélaïde Charlier have initiated an open letter to European Union and global leaders, calling on them to deliver on their promises, writes Susan Price.
To mark this year’s Earth Day (April 22), Sweden's Nobel Prize Museum hosted an online conversation between Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and Johan Rockström, joint director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
Hundreds of thousands of students and environmentalists took to the streets around the world as part of the Global Strike for Future climate actions on May 24. Elections for the European Parliament took place two days later, on May 26 and resulted in Greens (along with the far right) gaining votes. In Copenhagen, Denmark, 40,000 people took part in the People’s Climate March on May 25. Swedish student and environmentalist Greta Thunberg addressed the rally. An abridged transcript of Thunberg’s speech follows.