
solar panels and hands

How might we develop a socialist approach to technologies, in the face of the threat of rapid, potentially uncontrollable, climate change? Simon Pirani offers his contribution.

Protester holds sign reading ‘Time to be Renew-Albo’

“Australia is back as a constructive, positive and willing climate collaborator,” climate change minister Chris Bowen told COP27. But how true is this, asks Pip Hinman.

The United States is now the only country trying to undermine the Paris Agreement on climate change. While other countries are pledging to cut their emissions — often inadequately, but at least accepting the need — the US intends to raise them.

Meanwhile, the US is taking a step forward on the geoengineering path. Geoengineering, specifically Solar Radiation Management (SRM), refers to large-scale human interventions into the Earth’s climate. These aim to cut the levels of solar radiation that reach the Earth’s surface to artificially cool the planet.

Should the climate movement call for the restoration of a safe climate, rather than just zero emissions? According to a recent paper, Striking Targets, by climate writer Philip Sutton, greenhouse gas concentrations are already too high to avoid dangerous global warming, so the zero emissions goal is inadequate.