Green bans and the green ban movement

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union national secretary Zach Smith told the national Housing Justice Summit about the unions campaign for a super profits tax to build housing.

A new exhibition honouring the green bans movement opened in Newcastle on February 25, reports Niko Leka.

Hall Greenland pays tribute to his friend and comrade Jack Carnegie, unionist and founder of the Greens in New South Wales.

The North Parramatta Residents Action Group does not agree with relocating Willow Grove and is accusing the NSW government of using COVID-19 to desecrate the site. Susan Price reports.

Unions and community groups say the NSW government's move on the historic Willow Grove during the pandemic lockdown is a 'low act'. Susan Price reports.

Defenders of the historic Willow Grove are disappointed with the NSW Supreme Court’s decision to give the go-ahead to its destruction. But Susan Price reports they are determined to fight on.

The North Parramatta Residents Action Group has vowed to continue the campaign to save Willow Grove from being destroyed. Susan Price reports.


The campaign to save historic Willow Grove in Parramatta from being torn down to make way for the new museum is ramping up, writes Susan Price.

Sydney’s May Day march highlighted the green ban imposed by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union on the demolition of a heritage-listed building in Parramatta. Pip Hinman reports.

Judy Mundey, the patron of the newly-launched Dare to Struggle Film Festival, gave the following presentation after the screening of a new film about the life and politics of radical unionist Jack Mundey.

The premiere of a film about Jack Mundey’s life and politics is set to launch the new Dare to Struggle Film Festival. Pip Hinman reports.

Trade union choir at Jack Mundey's memorial. Photo: Jill Hickson.

Former Builders Labourer's Federation leader Jack Mundey, who pioneered the green ban, was given a rousing state send off at Sydney Town Hall. Rachel Evans reports.