
empty wallet

Anglicare Australia not only wants Labor to raise all welfare payments, it is also calling for an independent 'Social Security Commission' with the power to set and adjust payments based on the actual cost of living. Isaac Nellist reports. 

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Housing activists have organised a 'Housing is a Human Right' national day of action on December 9, reports Isaac Nellist.

Kristin O'Connell graphic

National cabinet’s housing reforms will do nothing substantial for renters, Anti-poverty Centre spokesperson Kristin O’Connell told Isaac Nellist.

Housing has become a significant election issue as rents skyrocket and tenants can be thrown out of their homes at the whim of a landlord. Jim McIlroy report.

The Renters and Housing Union organised a protest on as part of its campaign to put rights for renters on the agenda. Elizabeth Bantas reports.

The property-owning class has come out of the pandemic richer and more determined to get even wealthier. Peter Boyle takes a look at what can be done to revert this situation.