Students from the University of Sydney held a speak out in front of the Vice Chancellor’s office at Eastern Avenue to protest Universities Australia support for the AUKUS military alliance. Jim McIlroy reports.
Universities Australia
Catriona Jackson, CEO of Universities Australia, is off to Washington to meet the US State Department and National Science Foundation to grab a slice of the growing defence budget for the sector. Binoy Kampmark reports.
As students commence semester two on August 1, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) will release a report entitled The University Sexual Assault and Harassment Project, the culmination of year-long research into the nature, prevalence and reporting of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment in university communities.
In February last year, 39 universities signed up to “Respect. Now. Always”, a campaign to eliminate sexual assault and harassment on campus. But more than a year later, there are no new initiatives in place and students are asking why.