Sam Wainwright

Sam Wainwright told Alex Bainbridge while the official Yes and official No campaigns for the Voice to Parliament referendum are based on conservative agendas, the demoralisation that would flow from a No victory outweighs the limitations of the Voice.

Labor Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Teal independent Allegra Spender and Coalition leader Peter Dutton. Im

It's probably no surprise that the Intergenerational Report 2023 passed without much comment. It forecasts the need for greater income revenue, and that will fall to a younger generation. Sam Wainwright reports.

We can’t possibly mobilise the human and material resources needed to confront the climate crisis — the real threat to our security — while gearing up for a new Cold War, let alone a hot war, argues Sam Wainwright.

Long-term activist Menang woman Megan Krakouer first opposed the Voice, but has now decided to support it. She spoke to Sam Wainwright about why.

Socialist Alliance adds it voice to the growing international chorus demanding the immediate release of Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky and the dropping of the trumped-up charge of “justifying terrorism”. 

Sydney housing protest

The Greens leadership is wrong to focus on getting more MPs and that its someone else’s job to do the “street heat” it knows is needed, argues Sam Wainwright. The changes we urgently need will only come from sustained extra-parliamentary mobilisations.

The Defence Strategic Review doesn’t contain any surprises, argues Sam Wainwright. It abandons any pretence that military expenditure has anything to do with defence, conceding that it’s all about helping the United States project its military power into Asia.


Clifton D’Rozario, a labour lawyer and Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation leader, will address Ecosocialism 2023 in Naarm/Melbourne. Sam Wainwright reports.

For many young people, the fact that modern Australia emerged from a colonial-settler society founded on the violent dispossession of First Nations peoples is a self-evident fact. Sarah Hathway and Sam Wainwright comment on a significant political shift underway.

Ecosocialism 2022 session on Ukraine, imperialism and the left featuring Denys Pilash and Sam Wainwright.

ncle Geoffrey speaks at the protest outside Deep Yellow's AGM.

Protesters outside Deep Yellow’s annual general meeting said the company must end its plans to mine uranium at Mulga Rock on the land of the Upurli Upurli people. Sam Wainwright reports.

Progressives need to build support for the right of the peoples of the Pacific to self-determination, free from interference, including from our own government, argues Sam Wainwright.