Direct broadcast from the Port Fairy Folk Festival — The concert will include Margret RoadKnight, Tiddas and the Italian folk group, I Papaveri. ABC FM Stereo, Fri March 5, 8 p.m.
Perth Festival Indian summit — The word is that Indian
By Anne Casey
A woman's access to abortion is a fundamental precondition to having control over her life. If a woman cannot make decisions on if, when and how many children she will bear, then she has little control over other aspects of her
Evans faces protest over Timor
By Nick Everett
BRISBANE — Foreign minister Gareth Evans, addressing a breakfast on Australia's trade relations with Asia, faced questions and a protest picket from members of Aksi — Indonesia Solidarity
Alternative candidates share views
By Tyrion Perkins
CANBERRA — Candidates of the Greens, Democrats, Green Democratic Alliance and Democratic Socialists came together here on February 23 to discuss their approach to unemployment, the
In the United States, women's right to choose abortion has been limited not only by court rulings and legislation, but also by a series of terrorist attacks on abortion clinics. CLAUDETTE BGIN is a leader of the San Francisco Area Pro-Choice
By Stephen Robson
Dee Margetts is the Greens (WA) number one Senate candidate in the federal elections. She hopes to join Christabel Chamarette, who succeeded Jo Vallentine as Greens senator at the beginning of 1992.
Green Left Weekly
By Cameron Parker
ADELAIDE — Three stages, 150 performers, multitudes of workshops and 10,000 people jumping about at the same time — the spirit of WOMADELAIDE '93 was upon us. With a vast array of talent from around the globe, this
East Timorese resistance to the Indonesian occupation of their country is continuing despite increased repression accompanying the trial in Dili of Xanana Gusmao, leader of the Maubere National Resistance Council.
On the capture of Xanana,
The poet with muddy feet
By Fiona McCrossin
The Nagara River was the last river on the mainland of Japan whose flow had not been obstructed by a dam. In March 1992 an estuary tide barrier dam began being constructed.
In October,
By Karen Fredericks
On International Women's Day we march not merely for our rights as individual women but for the rights of all women around the world. We march for the rights of women who cannot march, who have been imprisoned
Mayibuye, journal of the African National Congress, recently interviewed ANC President Nelson Mandela about the prospects for negotiations this year and the challenges facing the ANC. Mandela was interviewed by Brian Hoga. This is a slightly
Privatisation's hidden agenda
Privatisation made a brief (but embarrassing to the major parties) appearance in the election campaign when Prime Minister Paul Keating pointed out that the Coalition's Fightback program counted on the sale of
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