Hippie Hippie Shake: The Dreams, the Trips, the Trials, the Love-ins, the Screw-ups ... the Sixties
By Richard Neville
William Heinemann, 1995. 376 pp., $29.95 (pb)
Reviewed by Phil Shannon
Capitalist society's high and mighty had every
South Africans condemn Helms-Burton Bill
The following statement was issued on May 31 by the alliance of the African National Congress, South African Communist Party and South African Congress of Trade Unions.
In the face of worldwide
By Deva Darshi
The Friends of the Forest Campaign arose from the 1994 decision to use non-violent direct action to try to halt the rapid destruction of our old-growth forests in the south-west of Western Australia.
Concern for the way in
Antiwar fighter seeks to return to US
By Deirdre Graham
A self-exiled man, who claims he destroyed draft files of poor and working class kids and destroyed the computer network of Dow Chemical Corporation during the Vietnam War, is
Anti-nuclear campaign takes off
By Chris Spindler
SYDNEY — A range of actions, including petitions, consumer boycotts, pickets and demonstrations are being planned in response to the French decision to resume nuclear testing in the
By Jennifer Thompson
In 1990, Professors Hochstein and O'Sullivan, two New Zealand scientists, experts in geothermal fluid mechanics, presented the results of their four-year "reservoir model" computer study to the conference of the New Zealand
Women's services cut back in SA
By Melanie Sjoberg
ADELAIDE — The content of a report compiled by Adelaide Rape Action Link Up (RALU) titled "No Desks Or Doctors" presents the results of a survey of women's health and counselling services
Why have a head of state?
There's been a lot of public debate about whether Australia's head of state under a future "republican system" should be elected or selected. While the PM wants the replacement governor general to be decided by a two
Write on
French nuclear tests
What a quandary our mate Paul must be in, with our cane toad friends about to nuke the South Pacific just to show how much they appreciate our existence and him with all that expensive francophilia tickery
By Shane Bentley
NEWCASTLE — This city and steel production go hand in hand. For more than eight decades, BHP has been a major employer and has profoundly influenced the culture of the city.
In 1912, in contravention of its party
Secret plans to expand Sydney airport
By Janet Parker
While protests by Sydney residents affected by aircraft noise and pollution continue, it has been revealed that the Federal Airports Corporation (FAC) is quietly hatching a plan for a
By Max Watts
What do Kurt Waldheim, Macbeth, Hamlet's uncle the king of Denmark, and "Australian Foreign Minister" Senator Owens in Robert Cockburn's play Hotel Hibiscus have in common?
All have had trouble with a ghost. The ghost of their
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