Green Left Weekly was established, in part, as a remedy to that kind of media. We carry very few ads, and the ones we do carry, aren't trying to fool anyone. Green Left's ads are there to tell our readers that some political event (a conference,
Chiapas: the end of 'the end of history' Australian MIKE LEACH visited Mexico and Chiapas earlier this year. He reports on the ongoing struggle. A crowd of 500 Mexican protesters faces the federal army in the remote tropical jungle of southern
Greg Adamson CANBERRA — Around 8pm on September 27, a group of Australian Federal Police launched an attack on picketers at the Belconnen Remand Centre. The striking workers were engaged in non-violent resistance. They had linked arms to stop
By Lisa Macdonald In an exercise aimed at defusing anticipated anger from both the environment movement and timber corporations over the 1996-97 woodchip export licences, the federal cabinet released the first draft of its national forest
Defend the public sector! By Dave Holmes Privatisation is at the cutting edge of the current capitalist attack against the working class. Throughout the western world, state assets and functions are being sold off, with drastic consequences for
By Jolyon Campbell MELBOURNE — As Green Left goes to press it appears construction workers have been successful in their bid for a 15% cross-industry pay rise, with 12 national building companies and 118 smaller employers signed up to grant
By Jennifer Thompson In the last few weeks Greenpeace has been under fire from several fronts. While the French military and government have led the charge with attacks on Greenpeace ships in the vicinity of Moruroa atoll, the establishment
By Leon Harrison PERTH — The Court government refuses to negotiate with WA nurses on a wages campaign despite them being among the lowest paid in the country. In 1991 nurses in all other states received a pay increase of 8-14% following
The US government has given vital assistance to the French government so that the current round of nuclear tests in the South Pacific can go ahead, according to a report in the New Scientist. Despite vague statements critical of the tests, the US has
'Queer as Hell' exhibitionBy Leon Harrison PERTH The Queer as Hell gay and lesbian art exhibition is to go ahead despite being banned from the WA Museum. The local lesbian and gay art association, That Way Inclined, is displaying a variety of
By Bronwen Beechey Over the next two weeks Sydney and Melbourne will host the White Gloves National Film Festival, the only silent black and white shoot-to-show film festival in the world. First held in 1989 to mark the centenary of the
By Natasha Izatt MELBOURNE — Over 30 delegates from 14 TAFE colleges discussed the major issues affecting TAFE student organisations at the Victorian TAFE Students and Apprentices Conference on September 23-24. VTSAN coordinator Maurice