ACTU congress picket MELBOURNE — A picket, organised by Aksi — Indonesia Solidarity Action, was held outside the ACTU Congress on September 27 to protest ACTU links with the Indonesian government-controlled trade union, SPSI.
The Newman ruling, which last year affirmed that abortion is illegal in NSW, has been overturned on appeal, with much less fanfare than the original decision received.
Judge Newman ruled that a woman who was suing a medical clinic for negligence
The decision, on September 18, by signatories to the 1992 the Basle Convention to further regulate the trade in toxic waste is a limited step forward.
The Geneva meeting was convened to decide whether to add an amendment, the "ban decision", to
Indonesian anti-censorship protestSolo, INDONESIA Students led a rally of 100 young artists in this central Java city on September 26. The students demanded the abolition of the government institute which authorises art and cultural exhibitions,
By Adam Hanieh
ADELAIDE — One of the most exciting musical projects to be launched here in recent times is Live on the Dial. It aims to recreate the traditional atmosphere of live-to-air radio and takes the form of a cabaret that combines live
By Rachel Evans
MELBOURNE — Some male members of Deakin University, Warrnambool campus, are campaigning for the inclusion of a new "men's officer" position in the university's constitution. Feminist groups, many students and Men Against Sexual
French commandos seized the Greenpeace yacht Vega with 21 of the original inhabitants of Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls — the sites of the current round of French nuclear weapons tests — as it attempted to land on Moruroa to demand the return of
By Chris Slee
MELBOURNE — The Industrial Relations Court has overturned the results of the election for the Victorian branch executive of the Public Sector Union held in early 1994. A new election has been ordered, though the timing remains
Amnesty International is demanding the immediate and unconditional release of Antonio Batisda De Macedo — a rubber tappers' leader arrested on September 20 and the first prisoner of conscience adopted in Brazil for over a decade. "Antonio Macedo's
Business drum "When all the tom-toms run through the business community, they all say the same thing: 'We hope this government gets up again'." — Paul Keating taunting the Liberals in parliament on September 23.
Scientific communism "I think
Chiapas: the end of 'the end of history' Australian MIKE LEACH visited Mexico and Chiapas earlier this year. He reports on the ongoing struggle. A crowd of 500 Mexican protesters faces the federal army in the remote tropical jungle of southern
Green Left Weekly was established, in part, as a remedy to that kind of media. We carry very few ads, and the ones we do carry, aren't trying to fool anyone.
Green Left's ads are there to tell our readers that some political event (a conference,
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