Jim at 50 Back then, when our daddies and mummies came together in prodigious numbers, we were born. And golly, there were lots of us. To be born after the war made us a lucky bunch of so and sos. Times were good. There were more jobs going than you
By Norm Dixon The International Monetary Fund is standing over the impoverished, war-shattered southern African country of Mozambique because the government has had the temerity to announce measures to try to improve the lives of its people.
By Sue Bull CANBERRA — In their first major display of unity, some 2000 ACT government workers crowded into Civic Square on February 21 to campaign for a 9% fully funded wage increase. They chanted slogans calling for the 9%, abused independent MLA
By Jorge Jorquera The Democratic Socialist candidate for the seat of Perth, Anthony Benbow, is a union militant with the Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union. He is currently on the executive of the CEPU Electrical Division WA. Benbow was
By John Baker The 1980s were a time of change and a reaching out for unity on the Australian Left. This often led to strange and tortured alliances and inevitably acrimonious separations, but it also held out great hopes for a resurgence. The period
Bodgie Dada and the Cult of CoolBy John Clare (aka Gail Brennan)UNSW Press, 1995. 218 pp., $39.95 (hb)Companion 2-CD compilation available on ABC Music through EMIReviewed by Norm Dixon Gail Brennan — as writer John Clare is best-known these days
By Vaarunika Dharmapala PERTH — Negotiations the claim of the Australian Nurses Federation (ANF) for a wage increase of 10% for all general public sector nurses, and other demands, have ended. The proposals went to state cabinet on February 19.
The Poverty of Dialectical MaterialismBy Eric PetersonSummer Hill NSW: Red DoorReviewed by Rurik Davidson. Not all philosophers are wankers. There have been people who have been genuinely concerned with the big problems for a reason — to use
I have never seen my great-granddaughter, Jasmine. She will be three years old on March 1. The combination of our individual circumstances suggests that we may never see each other. Many are the times that I imagine a casual conversation with her as
MARGIE FRIEL, director of the Aboriginal Youth Law Centre at the Northern Territory University, is the architect of the Australian Greens' Aboriginal affairs policy, released in February. Standing in the federal election as the Greens' number one
By Eric Earley I wish to reinforce the statements made by Barbara Wright in her article "Cancer treatment and informed consent", in the Oct-Dec '95 issue of the Medical Consumers Association of NSW newsletter [reprinted in GLW #216]. In November '94
Lotus WarBy Julie JansonOn Soundstage, ABC FM February 20Reviewed by Brendan Doyle The stage version of this outstanding radio play will open shortly at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, and hopefully will move on from there to other capitals. It is a
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