By the Newtown Political Collective
What sort of city do we want? Do we want cities that are OK to live in? Or do we want cities that are machines for making profit? What sort of city do we have?
Do you live near the M2? Do you live under an
MrayaAbdel Ali SlimaniReal World through FestivalReviewed by Jenny Long This album is an interesting introduction to the current evolution of Algerian "pop"-rai — the 1980 and '90s version of the bawdy, working-class rai originating from the
By James Hutchings
SYDNEY — About 350 people turned out to a street party, held in the plaza near the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre on Saturday, May 25, to protest against the "yuppification" of Newtown. The event was organised by the Newtown
By Graham Matthews and Karen Fletcher
On May 5, 1996, the people of the east German states of Brandenburg and Berlin soundly rejected by referendum a treaty to unify those two states. The treaty was defeated even though almost every major party
Mad cow disease: threat of an epidemic
By Michael Greger
Peter Hall showed the first signs of depression around Christmas 1994. In five months he was in a wheelchair. He died at age 20 of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD), a relentlessly
The "peace process" strategy of the Republicans was based on an alliance of all Irish nationalist parties, including bourgeois forces such as the Social Democratic and Labor Party, and the Dublin government. It was aimed at forcing the British to
By Alex Bainbridge
It is well worth the trip to Gunnedah to visit the miners who are now 10 months into their strike at CRA's Vickery coal mine. These strikers are a living demonstration of how to build the solidarity that will be needed to defeat
By Arun Pradhan
PERTH — A National Union of Students (NUS) state executive meeting on June 14 voted to slash $2500 from the NUS West women's campaign budget. The meeting was attended by 20 students who opposed the move because it would mean a
By Sean Healy
Talks supposedly aimed at delivering peace in northern Ireland began on June 10. Initially supposed to be genuinely all party, the talks have been threatened by the British government's refusal to allow representatives of the
Launch of Aboriginal solidarity group
MELBOURNE — The new group Justice for Indigenous Australians was launched here on June 3, the fourth anniversary of the High Court's native title judgment, "Mabo Day". Speakers included Aboriginal lawyer
The outcome of last week's hard cop (Peter Costello) and soft cop (John Howard) routine around the removal of sales tax exemption for state governments was another blow to working people.
Not surprisingly, the federal treasurer's move early in the
By Boris Kagarlitsky
MOSCOW — Most of Russia's population are following the election campaign with confusion and scepticism, mixed at times with curiosity and fear. The Yeltsin team has put its stake on three methods: "going to the people";
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