By Peter Boyle
Asian Australians Against Further Intimidation (AAAFI) was launched on October 11, 1996 to counter the racist views promoted by right-wing organisations, such as Australians Against Further Immigration (AAFI) and Oxley MP Pauline
The arm gets longer and help gets shorter
By Karen Fletcher
The federal budget cut to Legal Aid Commissions of $120 million over three years (from an annual budget of $138 million) will leave the majority of Australians with no means of defending
By Helen Jarvis
Students and staff at the St George campus of the University of NSW are mounting a strong campaign against the university's cutbacks and restructuring. Presented as "UNSW 2000", the plans are being dubbed "UNSW 200", or even "UNSW
By Dave Wright
PENRITH — The victory of Liberal candidate Jackie Kelly in the Lindsay by-election on October 19 reveals that people in this predominantly working-class, outer-western Sydney seat have not forgiven Labor for 13 years of austerity.
By Jorge Andres
Australia ... a reminder of where we live may be in order. This is not the poorest, not the most ecologically run down, and certainly not the most packed bus in town. Nevertheless the driver doesn't want anybody else to get on and
and ain't i a woman?: Women next in line
"As to Mrs (not Ms) Hanson ... she is now being harassed by one of our chief custodians of political correctness ... quite rightly, in view of the Star Chamber qualities for which it has long been notorious,
By Stephen Marks
MANAGUA — Nicaragua's recent elections have been marred by scandal, chaos and accusations of fraud which have called into question the apparent victory, 49% to 38%, of the right-wing candidate, Arnoldo Aléman, over
By Eva Cheng
Japan's main capitalist party, the Liberal Democratic Party, gained ground in the October 20 lower house election, increasing its seats from 211 in a 493-seat house to 239 out of 500. The gain is not big enough for a working majority,
By Adam Leeman
MELBOURNE — On October 24, 200 students rallied at the Preston campus of Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE to build support for the restoration of funding, cut by management, to the Student Union.
In an attempt to undermine
By James Vassilopoulos
SYDNEY — In early October, Telstra management announced, first to the media and later to staff, that the Telstra Shops and Mobile Sales and Service Centres are to be sold to an "affiliated dealership, leading to the loss of
By Emma Webb
ADELAIDE — The newly appointed vice-chancellor of Adelaide University, Mary O'Kane, announced on October 14 that, as a result of a 0.9% funding cut for 1997, the University Senior Management Group had decided to: abolish the Dance
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Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 7pm.
Access News — Melbourne community TV,
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