East Timorese killed in election violence
By James Balowski
Indonesian authorities have confirmed that at least 13 East Timorese were killed in the lead-up to voting in the Indonesian general elections on May 29. Dili police chief, Colonel
Residents tour ADI site
SYDNEY — Members of the ADI Residents Action Group on May 18 were given a guided tour of the Australian Defence Industries site, between St Marys and Penrith in Sydney's west, where developer Lend Lease has proposed to
My Father's Son: The Last Knot UntiedBy Ric ThrossellMelbourne: em Press, 1997. 428 pp., $19.95 (pb) Review by Phil Shannon
Canberra author and former Commonwealth public servant Ric Throssell is one of many Australians to have fallen foul of
TomorrowBy Ric ThrossellMelbourne: em Press, 1997. 289 pp., $19.95 (pb) Review by Phil Shannon
Ric Throssell's latest novel is a fictional re-creation of the life of the Communist Party of Australia from the late '30s to the party's dissolution
By Margaret Gleeson
SYDNEY — Emulating Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett, NSW Labor treasurer Michael Egan announced on May 22 that the government intends to sell the state's power generation, transmission and distribution system for a $22
By James Vassilopoulos
Up to 1000 jobs will be lost under Qantas plans to contract out its customer service and ramp services work at Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth airports. According to the Australian Services Union (ASU), almost all workers
Ogoni representative tours
By Matt Wilson and Jonathan Strauss
Nigeria's minority Ogoni people face environmental and social destruction at the hands of the Shell oil company and the country's military dictatorship. This is the message
The 'new, open' CIA
By Barry Sheppard
The Central Intelligence Agency recently declassified 1400 pages from its files on the coup it engineered in Guatemala in 1954, installing a corrupt military regime that waged war on its citizens
New WA Legislative Council
PERTH — A rally of around 100 Greens and trade unionists on May 27 celebrated the end of Coalition control of the state Legislative Council. A new upper house elected in mid-December included three Greens WA
By Sam Wainwright
PARIS — With the National Front (FN) registering up to 20% in polls and in control of four local councils, its leader Jean-Marie Le Pen recently boasted, "We have become a movement to be reckoned with, not just in France, but
By Max Lane
Two days after the elections in Indonesia, interim official results are giving President Suharto's Golkar party 74% of the vote, the Islamic United Development Party (PPP) about 23% and the puppet Indonesian Democratic Party
By Norm Dixon
Seemingly oblivious to the fact that Laurent Kabila's Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (ADFL) achieved more in the struggle against the Mobutu dictatorship in eight months than the Kinshasa-based
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