By Mark Abberton MELBOURNE — The national day of action against voluntary student unionism, which was to be held on May 5, has been moved to May 19. The decision was made by the National Union of Students (NUS) national education committee phone
By Keara Courtney In the recent NSW election, voters had the difficult option of choosing between the Liberal and Labor parties, both of which advocated more police, prisons and penalties, cutting funding to education and health care, and which are
Anti-censorship group Electronic Frontiers Australia has attacked federal government plans to censor the internet as ignorant and draconian. "The proposal by the government sets the debate on internet censorship back three years", said EFA chair Kim
By Jonathan Singer In March, the Australian Council of Trade Unions presented its case for a third "living wage" increase to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC). The ACTU called for the award wages of workers earning from the
Talking Up: Young Women's Take On FeminismEdited by Rosamund Else-Mitchelland Naomi FlutterSpinifex Press1998, 239 pp. By Zanny Begg Talking up: Young Women's Take on Feminism is a collection of essays by young Australian feminists. It was produced
By Louise Boon-Kuo SYDNEY — The Olympic Games represent a boom for business, but what do they mean for us? The image of an unruly, crime-ridden population, or a dramatic terrorist stand-off, televised to the world, would jeopardise Sydney's
International news briefs Tiananmen protests 1976 and 1989 HONG KONG — About two dozen activists held a protest march on April 5 to commemorate the heroic demonstration by tens of thousands of Chinese in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, 23 years ago
By Allen Myers Phrases like "ancient hatreds" and reminders that World War I was sparked by national conflicts in the Balkans have accompanied much of the establishment media coverage of recent events in Serbia and Kosova — just as they did the
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News —
The Whole WomanBy Germaine GreerDoubleday, 1999330 pp., $24.95 (pb) Review by Kath Gelber "It's time to get angry again." So ends the introduction to Greer's latest book, The Whole Woman. It's a powerful book, a call to arms, a reminder that
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — In cities and towns throughout Russia, repressive official policies have helped create a huge pool of narcotics users infected with the HIV virus. The infection is now poised to spread swiftly among young people who are
By Dick Nichols When Ian Bray, the National MUA Rank and File candidate for assistant secretary , was due to speak at CTAL, P&O Ports' container terminal at Port Botany, he didn't know what to expect. "You never know what reception you're going