REVIEW BY SIMON BUTLER Deadly Deceits: My 25 years in the CIABy Ralph McGeheeOcean Press, Melbourne.231pp. $26.95 (pb) "My view, backed by 25 years of experience is, quite simply, that the CIA is the covert action arm of the Presidency. Most of
G'day Straight off I need to apologise. Regular visitors and the occasional tourist to this column have come to expect a certain sarcasm emanating from this printed space. I am what is often referred to locally as a professional knocker. That
Sam's Big RoosterThe Savoy-Doucet Cajun BandArhoolie records<http://www.arhoolie.com> REVIEW BY BILL NEVINS Cajun music is people's music at its deepest. It is the songs and dances of survivors of colonial wars, religious and class
BY RAY FULCHER MELBOURNE — Left-wing students have won a landslide victory in elections for control of the Melbourne University Student Union, held here September 4-8. The Left Focus ticket won all office-bearer positions and won a majority on
BY SIMON BUTLER Federal employment minister Tony Abbott has come to the defence of Centacare, the Catholic Church's government-funded employment agency, arguing that it should be able to sack employees it discovers are homosexuals. Abbott's
BY SUE BOLAND SYDNEY — One Nation NSW upper house member David Oldfield and One Nation's former national director David Ettridge (no longer a One Nation member) have given the NSW Labor and federal Coalition governments an excuse to place further
Last week in Green Left Weekly, I outlined figures which indicate that the Australian public has so far lost around $13 billion to private capitalists through the privatisation of half of Telstra. This is the case even though shares in the second
BY SHANE BENTLEY SYDNEY — The next step here in the campaign for refugee rights is the September 23 rally to be held through the streets of Parramatta. The march, organised by the Refugee Action Collective (RAC), is using the Olympic period to
NSW Premier Bob Carr addressed the sustainability session at the World Economic Forum in Melbourne on September 13, calling for sustainable economic development to save the environment. Citing global warming as one of his fears, he also directed
In this excerpt from the first Frantz Fanon Memorial Lecture, delivered on August 17 at the University of Durban-Westville School of Governance, PATRICK BOND debates Pretoria's global strategies, tactics and alliances. In a formidable speech on
A planned hydroelectric dam project in south-eastern Turkey will displace up to 78,000 people if international lending agencies and the British government provide financial support, according to a report leaked to British media. According to the
BY RICHARD PITHOUSE There are not too many working-class heroes who are known as the "Boss". Bruce Springsteen's fans hang out everywhere from cyber-shrines and academic conferences to battered bars on the wrong side of town. And while a bikie