BY SIBYLLE KACZOREK BAUCAU — On November 26-30, 40 or so members of the Asia Pacific Coalition for East Timor (APCET) met here to discuss international solidarity with East Timor. The international guests were joined by around the same number of
BY DAVE RILEY As more activists from many cities and towns respond to the call for mass actions against corporate tyranny on May 1, cultural activists are to lend their support to these blockades and related events. Taking our cue from the
BY PETER JOHNSTON & KAREN CIERI DARWIN — The announcement of the formation of an Aboriginal political party has understandably ruffled the feathers of both Labor and the Country Liberal Party (CLP). The Labor Party traditionally receives the
BY JON LAND Australian domestic demand for natural gas is projected to steadily increase over the next decade, with the fields off the coast of Western Australia and the Northern Territory — especially those in the Timor Sea — being the
Capitalism In Crisis: Globalisation and World Politics TodayBy Fidel CastroOcean BooksMelbourne, 2000292pp., $29.95 (pb) REVIEW BY SHANE HOPKINSON There is no shortage of talk about globalisation these days. Cuban leader Fidel Castro paints a
BY RAY FULCHER MELBOURNE — The National Union of Students (NUS) Victorian conference held at Monash University on November 25 adopted a number of progressive positions. The policy motion condemning Labor Victorian Premier Steve Bracks over his
BY CAM PARKER SYDNEY — Australian Broadcasting Corporation staff voted no confidence in ABC managing director Jonathan Shier at stop-work meetings across Australia held on November 29. The meetings followed revelations in the Senate Estimates
"You are fair [skinned] as a black woman, you get certain privileges in white culture that other ... [blacks] don't get." — William "Reyn" Archer III, quoted in the October 20 Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The statement above was made by the top
East Timor: The Price of Freedom By John G. Taylor Zed Books/Pluto Press, 248ppTo Resist is to Win: The Autobiography of Xanana GusmaoEdited by Sarah NinerAurora Books/David Lovell Publishing, 256ppFighting Spirit of East Timor: The Life of
Surviving another year What changes has the past year produced for the internet? Companies such as MP3.com and Napster have been hounded by armies of lawyers representing corporations claiming to be defending intellectual endeavour. The
Chockers already “There is no room in the ALP for people who break the law.” — ALP federal leader Kim Beazley. Their health is another matter “We commit to respecting the religious, cultural and ethical concerns of people.” —
BY EVA CHENG Anti-capitalist protesters who succeeded in Seattle last November-December in helping block the launch of a new round of global trade negotiations under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) can proudly register their