BY DAVE MURPHY DARWIN — Chanting and music brought the generally sleepy business district of this city to life on May 1 as anti-corporate protesters peacefully blockaded the main entrance to the Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce, before
BY LISA MACDONALD The May 2 Sydney Morning Herald editorial ("Globalisation for All") expressed surprise that May Day "should now be transmogrified into an all-purpose protest against a range of ills for which capitalism can, against all the
"One in four Americans has 'strong negative attitudes' toward Chinese Americans, would feel uncomfortable voting for an Asian American for president of the United States, and would disapprove of a family member marrying someone of Asian descent",
BY SEAN HEALY The mainstream media's coverage of the M1 protests outside the Australian Stock Exchange bore little resemblance to what really happened. Just as at S11 in Melbourne, most who took part would have been left wandering whether there
BanditsBy Eric HobsbawmWeidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000226 pages, $40 (hb) BY PHIL SHANNON Thirteenth-century peasants are rarely the objects of Hollywood's attention. The notable exception, of course, is Robin Hood. The celluloid homage paid to Robin
BY LISA MACDONALD SYDNEY — Just four weeks before the big day, M1 Sydney activists were debating the possibility of mobilising 2000 people for the May 1 blockade of the Australian Stock Exchange in Bridge Street. Despite persistent rain on the
BY HEINRICH BOHMKE DURBAN — About 40 kilometres outside Durban is an industrial and farming node called Hammarsdale. It appears suddenly at the end of a short rural road just off the N3 freeway and consists of a grid of streets forming 16 blocks.
Undue Risk: secret state experiments on humansBy Jonathan MorenoRoutledge, 2001371 pages, $41 (pb) REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON When Ebb Cade, a black 53-year-old cement worker, had a car accident in Tennessee in March 1945, he received more than he
SYDNEY — Solidarity was still needed to help Indonesian workers organise for democracy and justice, Indonesian activist Nieke told a forum here on May 2. Nieke is a leader of the Indonesian People's Democratic Party and a researcher into the
BY MARGARITA WINDISCH MELBOURNE — It was a dark and foggy morning, making the CBD's skyscrapers seem even more alien, but the air was filled with excitement and anticipation. By 6am, a solid number of protesters had gathered outside the
Seeing with the HeartBy Judy KingAt the Galleries Primitif, Woollahra, SydneyOpens May 11 SYDNEY — A stint as a volunteer nurse in Africa was the inspiration for Judy King's exhibition Seeing with the Heart, which opens on May 11. The mixed media
BY ADAM MACLEAN Public calls for the sacking of ABC managing director Jonathan Shier, chairperson Donald McDonald and the whole ABC board are growing. If the national broadcaster is to be saved from the oblivion the Coalition clearly wishes to