Climate crisis

While Adani, now Bravus, has not appealed a court hearing in which most of its key points against Galilee Blockade activist Ben Pennings were struck out, it has been given another month to resubmit. Margaret Gleeson reports.

One hundred and fifty public housing residents in the Waterloo South estate were just given eviction notices from Homes NSW, but many have vowed to fight back. Kerry Smith reports.

Victorian Socialist Alliance members from Geelong and Melbourne branches discussed the context in which to advance progressive campaigns at SA’s Victorian conference. Elizabeth Bantas reports.

Disrupt Burrup Hub activist Matilda Lane-Rose said environment minister Tanya Plibersek should not approve Woodside's North West Shelf Extension, reports Isaac Nellist.

book covers

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven recent books on movement building, modern capitalism, evolution, ecology and colonialism.

Matilda Lane-Rose, from Disrupt Burrup Hub, joins the Green Left Show to discuss why we must oppose the destructive gas project.

A protest at Sydney Town Hall Square heard civil and social movement leaders condemn NSW Labor’s proposed new laws banning protests near places of worship. Jim McIlroy reports.

Socialist Alliance in Western Australia will run activist candidates in the federal seat of Fremantle and the Senate on a “People before Profit” platform. Janet Parker reports.

fire in Los Angeles 2025

United States President Donald Trump has once again withdrawn the US from the Paris Climate Agreement, sparking global concerns about the future of climate action, reports Rhea Dev.

The Northern Territory’s Country Liberal Party is moving fast, in a Trumpian direction, to ride roughshod over the environment and peoples’ livelihoods. Stephen W Enciso reports.

The results of the byelections in the Victorian electorates of Werribee and Prahran suggest disillusion with the major parties is growing. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

John Butcher, a long-time campaigner for environmental and social justice, passed away on Invasion Day. Jim McIlroy reports.