BY JIM GREEN Prime Minister John Howard announced in parliament on June 5 — World Environment Day — that the Australian government will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions. The announcement followed ratification of the
BY PETER ROSSET Why do more than 800 million people still go hungry in a world marked by incredible affluence? Representatives from 180 countries gathered in Rome for the World Food Summit from June 10 to 13 to address just that question. At the
World Refugee Day on June 20 is an opportunity to reflect on how much progress the refugees' rights movement in Australia has made in a relatively short period. The last six months of organising, which includes the consolidation of a huge movement
"When people are put in detention, they have part of their lives stolen. I lost nine months of my life, during which I had no human rights, no access information or facilities, and no ability to control my life. It is like being taken out of the
BY PAUL MILLER MELBOURNE — On June 1, 100 Footscray residents protested outside the Footscray swimming pool against its closure. The rally was organised by the Footscray Community Association. The Maribyrnong City Council has recently decided
BY AHMED NIMER RAMALLAH — Figures from the Manufacturers Association of Israel confirm that the country's economy is in its deepest recession since 1953. Since the fourth quarter of 2000, 22,000 industrial workers have been laid off, industrial
Recently, I had some direct experience of how the capitalist system exploits young workers. I was employed at the Dimmey's discount department store that just opened in Hobart's Elizabeth Mall. Like the other 14 workers, I was told that I was a
Behind the Tears ... Triumphant Voices: East Timor, a Photographic JourneyPhotographs by Ross Bird, David Dare Parker and Stephen DupontCurated by Emmanuel SantosPost Master Gallery, Australia Post House, corner Exhibition and La Trobe streets,
BY NICK EVERETT SYDNEY — Speaking to an overflow audience of 250 people at the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre on June 2, writer, film-maker and left activist Tariq Ali analysed the key issues in world politics after September 11. The meeting,
BY PETER BOYLE There is a painful image from East Timor that remains engraved in my mind. It is the footage of Timorese throwing their children over the razor wire fence of the UN compound, then scrambling up the side of a hill dragging
BY KAMALA EMANUEL HOBART — "Today we are welcoming home the remains of people who should never have been taken away", announced Tasmanian Aboriginal community leader Michael Mansell at the Hobart international airport on June 14. He was
BY ROHAN PEARCE Western media reporting on the Middle East over recent weeks has focussed on the deaths caused by a handful of suicide bombings in Israel. Missing from most of the coverage is the scale of the violence being unleashed on