[To add your name to this statement email <nick.everett@lycos.com>.] US President George Bush is preparing for a new war on Iraq using the pretext that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is threatening the world with "weapons of mass
Fond Memories of Cuba Despite his use of the tired old cliche "cappuccino revolutionaries", David Bradbury's criticisms of Cuban socialism (Write On, #501) may well be valid. At least it is good to see this issue being debated (if that is the word)
BY JAMES VASSILOPOULOS CANBERRA — The ACT conference of the Australian Labor Party on July 26 voted to end the ALP's support for mandatory detention of asylum seekers. A number of motions initiated by the Labor for Refugees group were passed
BY ALLEN MYERS PHNOM PENH — A showing of John Pilger's documentary film The New Rulers of the World drew a crowd of more than 200 people on the evening of July 24. The showing, sponsored by the Foreign Journalists Club of Cambodia, was
BY FEDERICO FUENTES PERTH — Refugees' rights activists at the University of Western Australia pledged to turn their campus into a refugee safe haven at the launch of the campaign on August 8. The campaign is being organised by the UWA Refugee
BY SARAH STEPHEN After a two-year fight, the Badraie family, who fled to Australia from Iran in March 2000, have been granted refugee status and issued with temporary protection visas. The Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) announced its decision on
BY SARAH STEPHEN Refugees on temporary protection visas make up an expanding component of the Australian government's intake of refugees. At the end of May, there were 8400 people living in Australia on TPVs. Between July 2000 and June 2001, more
BY KERRIE BARRON CANBERRA — A library display highlighting the plight of asylum seekers was removed on August 9 after it prompted a violent response. The Refugee Action Collective (RAC) was asked to pack up its display because library
BY SUSAN AUSTIN CAIRNS — A meeting of health union delegates and members on August 7 launched a campaign committee to organise the intensifying health workers' industrial dispute. This followed a similar meeting the week before which voted to
BY NATALIE ZIRNGAST & KYLIE MOON MELBOURNE — In a victory for the staff and student campaign against RMIT's bid to provide education and recreational facilities to asylum seekers in detention, RMIT vice chancellor Ruth Dunkin announced on
BY JOHN MCGILL ADELAIDE — Janet Giles, former president of the South Australian branch of the Australian Education Union (AEU), was recently elected unopposed as the secretary of the South Australian United Trades and Labor Council (UTLC). She
BY TAMARA PEARSON  BATHURST — Charles Sturt University's (CSU) solution to federal funding cuts is to axe courses and fire staff. The students' response has been to organise. The students have been camping outside CSU management's