BY BEN COLLINS MELBOURNE — About 1000 trade unionists met on April 9 to protest against the findings of the royal commission into the building industry and to plan the next steps in the campaign to defend unions from federal government attacks.
BY DOUG LORIMER “Already, the international battle for Iraq's oil resources is taking shape, as the rhetoric over who will administer post-war Iraq intensifies”, the US Congress-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported on April 8.
BY MIKE LEBOWITZ There was a lot of confusion outside Venezuela during the last year about what has been happening there. Some people have asked, "How could progressives and trade unionists support the Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez
BY SUE BOLTON On April 14, ballot papers will be posted to all members of the Maritime Union of Australia for what is likely to be the most significant MUA election in years, with opposition tickets in most MUA branches, as well as an
BY ROHAN PEARCE Despite quick proclamations of "victory" by the US media, fighting in Iraq continues. So too does the devastation of the country's fragile infrastructure and the suffering of the most vulnerable sections of Iraqi society due to a
BY DR MARTIN CROTTY& DR RAYMOND EVANS The federal government has committed this country to join the US and Britain in a legally dubious, highly immoral, massive unprovoked military attack on Iraq. The lessons of history, we are told, are that
BY PIP HINMAN Scenes of exuberant "liberated" Iraqis and Kurds have quickly given way to scenes of concern and anger that the US "liberators" are preparing to be occupiers. Even the Sydney Morning Herald's pro-war correspondent Paul McGeough has
Pensioner protests war on Iraq BY KAMALA EMANUEL LAUNCESTON - Anti-war activist Bob Bensemann cancelled his pension on March 24 in reaction against the government’s treatment of refugees and its support for war on Iraq. In his letter to
BY ERIN KILLION Jane Keogh is a refugee-rights activist in the Canberra Refugee Action Committee. After visiting Baxter detention center in January, she spoke to Green Left Weekly about the conditions in the centre. Keogh met 41 people in the
BY MARGARITA WINDISCH MELBOURNE — On April 8, the County Court was told that all matters relating to the Skilled Engineering and Johnson Tiles cases between the prosecution and all of the 15 unionists except Craig Johnston had been settled. The
A monstrous lie On April 8, the Pentagon revealed that an Iraqi factory near Hindiya, south of Baghdad, which the US invaders had originally told journalists was a facility for producing the nerve agent sarin, was, in fact, a
Weapons for mass destruction... "We are talking about finding a site of possible weapons of mass destruction." — US Army's 3rd Infantry Division spokesperson Major Ross Coffman on the March 23 discovery of a chemical factory south of Baghdad,