As of November 18, Chilean women can finally achieve financial independence from abusive husbands, as the country finally legalised divorce. Until now, the only ways to end a marriage in Chile were to have it annulled, which is complicated, must be
The Trouble with Capitalism: an Enquiry into the Causes of Global Economic FailureBy Harry ShuttZed Books, 1998238 pages, $36 (pb) REVIEW BY EVA CHENG Since the worldwide shift to neoliberal policy in the early 1980s, capitalist apologists have
Three US broadcast networks have rejected an advertisement from the United Church of Christ, deeming it too controversial. The ad is designed to advertise the church's welcoming policy, particularly towards gay men and lesbians. It depicts two
Pavita Khosa, Sydney On December 1, 150 people came to hear John Pilger launch his latest book. The event was organised by the North Sydney Library. Tell Me No Lies: Investigative Journalism and its Triumphs pays tribute to some of the greatest
Twenty years after the horrific disaster in Bhopal, probably responsible for 20,000 deaths, the victims are still fighting for compensation. This article on this act of mass murder is abridged from <http://bhopal.com>, where information on
Boris Kagarlitsky, Moscow On Russia's state television channels there was hysteria. Astonished viewers, plunged into a Cold War atmosphere, learned that neighbouring Ukraine was experiencing a coup d'‚tat planned by foreign spy services. The
John Percy The anti-communist Vietnamese group calling itself the Vietnamese Community in Australia (VCA) has been rebuffed in its scheme to have the flag of the US-imposed Saigon regime — overthrown by the Vietnamese national liberation movement
Jeff Shantz, Ontario Over November 30 - in Ottawa - and December 1 - in Halifax - US President George Bush made his first official visit to Canada to participate in bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Paul Martin and the ruling Liberal caucus.
Kim Bullimore, West Bank Ten candidates, including jailed Palestinian leader, Marwan Barghouti, have nominated to contest the January 9 Palestinian presidential elections. Barghouti, who had previously said he would not contest the elections in
According to the December 3 Washington Post, a recent classified report found similar abuses existed in Afghanistan's prisons to those in jails in Iraq. The report found that a lack of available guidelines had "created opportunities for abusing the
South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal issued a ruling on November 30 that may enable same-sex marriage in the country within a year. A lesbian couple applied to the court to change the common-law definition of marriage from "a union between a man
Chris Slee & Graham Matthews, Melbourne Stephen Jolly, national secretary of the Socialist Party, was elected to the Yarra City Council for the ward of Langridge in the November 27 Victorian council elections. An ALP and a Greens member were also