While road transport is necessary, even urgent in some places, the climate emergency also demands alternatives to road and air transport for people and goods in a continent as vast as Australia, argues Pip Hinman.
Public transport
While electric cars are often touted as the future of transport and a crucial part of the effort to reach “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions, in reality they are not a meaningful solution, argues Ben Radford.
Campaigners, members of parliament and councillors gathered on the steps of Parliament House to urge the Victorian government to improve public transport in the western suburbs. Gabriel Di Falco reports.
Improving and expanding the existing electric vehicle network must not be overlooked in the discussion about solutions to the climate emergency, argues Andrew Chuter.
Socialist Alliance candidates running in the Victorian elections say that solutions exist for the cost-of-living pressures. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
Socialist Alliance candidate for Sydney and respected public housing, transport, resident action and trade union activist Andrew Chuter talks about about his practical vision for a socialist future.
Suzanne James spoke to Sam Wainwright, Socialist Alliance candidate for Fremantle, about Invasion Day, public transport, privatisation and his hopes for democracy.
Anti-toll road activists are stepping up their protests against the North East Link. Isaac Nellist reports.
The absence of cars in our car-dominated cities in the COVID-19 pandemic reminds us that we need green space and mass transit, argues Andrew Chuter.
As public transport usage collapses, the private operators of Melbourne’s public transport system are seeking a “rescue package”, reports Chris Slee.
Many battles have been fought over the Upfield Line. Here, Socialist councillor Sue Bolton talks about the fight to duplicate the line.
And so it begins. Premier Gladys Berejiklian has been hitting the airwaves telling us all how successful she has been at raiding the public pantry and flogging off the spoils.
On the other side of the political divide Labor MP Jo Haylen is busy telling her Summer Hill electorate just how much WestConnex is on the nose — but conveniently neglecting to mention that her party is right behind WestConnex.
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